Want to start a business, start by learning to be silent

Who tolerated me before, I will dislike back. Now who put up with me, I will be right to right to right.

My parents said I was not hardworking I said “yes, yes, yes, how I am so lazy.” The network said I cut leeks I said, “Yes, yes, to mix a meal.

What I am, I know in my heart; what I do, only to ask for a clear conscience. You can identify yourself, too much care about the views of others, is also another kind of stupid.

It didn’t take long for my parents to get tired of talking, and the network didn’t tolerate it because I admitted it, and they didn’t have to stress it.

You readily admit that their attacks have no point of force; the more you deny it, the more they have to prove they are right.

No one likes to swing a fist at the air, but there is always someone who likes to kick a curb ball. What’s wrong with a leather ball, what’s wrong with it is that it has elasticity.

Trying to turn myself into a ball of air, no matter what people say, I agree with them, and sure enough the world is quiet and I can concentrate on my work again.

What is the secret of a happy life?

It is to reduce redundant explanations and avoid meaningless arguments.

Remember, arguments are meaningless and can neither cause substantial harm nor suddenly change someone’s point of view, nor will they create a single penny of profit.

It’s not half as good as getting into trouble.

I have suffered losses, and many of my peers around me have also suffered losses, those who started out very just people, entrepreneurship for a long time, they are the same as me, into a silent dog. The wolves who like to bark proudly outside are invariably killed by passers-by.

Do things like a wolf, behave like a dog, at least entrepreneurship is like this.

No big brother is a distinctive personality, tolerant of the sky and the earth, in front of outsiders, they are gentle and elegant, facile.

When Luo Xiang just said, he dared to say anything, but now he is also silent, the microblogging has stopped. It’s okay to talk to people about life philosophy, can not change others, you can only change yourself.

Gentlemen can be messed with, the little man can not be messed with.

The gentleman’s love, will not flow out, seems pretentious; but the villain’s evil, can not help but dance on the keyboard. So the gentleman is not going to argue with you. And you argue with nine out of ten is not what good people.

If you like to argue, the probability is that you are not a good person, you have to think about yourself three times a day. Emotions are valuable energy, not consumed in meaningless things.

The things that do not produce value, I can no longer raise interest. I just want to do my own thing quietly, to attract the same frequency of people, service recognition of people.

The different frequency, not recognized, do not force, force over is also a sinful fate. Habitually let go and be a silent dog.

Small hidden in the forest, big hidden in the city. To avoid the hustle and bustle, why escape to the mountains and forests; selectively ignore some sounds the world can also become quiet.

The practice of life, from learning to be silent ah.

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