Poor people squeeze themselves, rich people squeeze the world

1, no one can succeed only by hard work by hard work can only live a short period of success to reach a state of subsistence and simply can not become rich.

2, earn big money than earn small money to be easy, wealth is copied, happiness is copied, poverty is also copied.

When you meet a really rich person, you have to do everything possible to stay with him, what he does, you learn from him, a sentence of his may change your life, open all your future.

3, poverty is also copied from the blind effort has no meaning! Why are you poor? It is that you copy the poor every day.

For example, you want to do something, you can not decide, you used to find people to discuss, the result is that you are looking for poor people. Two are poor people can discuss a what?

4, you are caught in a dead-end cycle, you are surrounded by poor people, you have been in this dead-end circle around and around.

So, the more you try, the more you fail, the more you fail, so the more you try, the more you fail.

So finally you will complain about this society social unfairness, too little opportunity bad environment (hahaha) where you go is the general environment is bad, you are the destruction of the environment ah?

5, your habits so that you do not have the means to become rich or even your habits, so you think you do the right thing, the rich is wrong and you hold the way to see the joke to wait for that rich people make mistakes.

6, do not say you are very hard, hard has been the standard of this society, especially in the first and second-tier cities, no one does not work hard.

Everyone is working hard, why someone poor, someone rich. The essence is different thinking, the gap between the poor and rich surface is wealth, the underlying logic is a different way of thinking.

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