People who can really make money, what kind of thinking about making money?

1, altruistic thinking. How successful a person can be depends on how many people want him to be successful. Because this success, is beneficial to others. This is not only reflected in my friends and the company I serve, even some great people are also the same (for example, to fight the landlord, share the land).


2, share money thinking. As the saying goes, the money is scattered, and the money is scattered. I have served many companies, really do a good job in the startup, are good at sharing money. Not good at sharing money company, but also can not retain the real ability of people. Do not share money to keep changing people, the cost is particularly large, it is difficult to earn money.


3, mutual achievement. You will find that the cooperation between rich people, very focused on mutual achievement. Any cooperation, in essence, is to build a long-term relationship, and mutual achievement, is the best way to maintain a long-term relationship. But any violation of this principle, basically any relationship is very difficult to go far, it is also very difficult to really achieve something.


4, repeat thinking. Simple things to do repeatedly. Practice a thousand moves. What is the difference between a master and a white man? The biggest difference is that the master is always a move to practice 1000 times, the white always want to practice 1000 moves a day. For example, you go to see the marketing actions of some bigwigs, sometimes it is actually very simple, is to find a move useful, it is repeatedly used. Repeatedly to use, naturally make money.


5, compound interest thinking. The so-called time compound interest things, and not let you busy every day, silly efforts, but you have to choose to do things with compound interest. You must understand that things often change: you try to enter A, insist that it will become B, and suddenly at point C can make money, reach point D to make a fortune, and finally make E into a business.


6, the selection of people thinking. A person’s value, not only by their own decision, but also by the other side to decide. For example, I know a big shot, in the still very poor, it is directly to their own set a high price. Why set a high price? Because the people who can pay a high price, are quality people, their value is not up? If you read it, worth millions.


7, strong thinking. From childhood to adulthood, from ancient times to the present, in fact, people around us are telling us a truth: make money, the best way is to become strong. When you are strong, all the resources will be close to you. Whether it is a business, or a part-time job, when you are strong, the whole world is and face.


8, first give and then take. The so-called will want to take, must first give. If you want to make money, to learn to “sell” into “exchange”. In fact, you will find that the rich people know this truth, very clear to make money is the value of the exchange. So will first “give”, and then “take”. The people who can not earn, often give too little.


9, away from the problem. We can succeed, not because we are good at solving “problems”, but because we are good at away from the problem. We are just looking for simple things to do. If you’re suffering, it’s probably because you’re doing something complicated. Remember, quantity wins, small wins big, is the eternal truth.


10, reduce decision-making. Give up unnecessary decisions and focus on the big things. Every decision you make will consume your attention. So reduce making unnecessary decisions, such as what to wear or what to take out of the house. Let your attention be reserved until you do the important things.


11, survival thinking. Do not compete with the masters of the territory, to grab a job with the stupid. This, I previously found this rule when I was a marketing director: the franchisees in the fourth and fifth tier cities, most of them live more than the franchisees in the first tier and provincial capitals. Therefore, sometimes we have to adapt to local conditions in order to better survive.


12, strategic thinking. We often say: choice is greater than effort. And strategic thinking, in fact, is an ability to make choices. And always rich rich people, often with this strategic thinking. Perhaps you can 10 years as a unit, think backwards: your current choice, is it right?


13, problem solving. I found that the rich people around me, have a characteristic: the ability to solve problems is very strong. Many people have been troubled by the problem, they may be able to find the key problem in a few words, and give a solution. The ability to make money is also essentially a problem-solving ability. Any market, work, you need to improve this ability.


14, give up perfection. Perfectionism has pitted too many people. People who really make a lot of money are often imperfect. Because the people who really earn big money, relying on a field to persist in deep plowing, if you keep asking for perfection, it will be difficult to persist. For example, you force yourself to write pop-up articles every day, will not be exhausted?


15, refuse to think. Excellent people will never be a “good old man”, but a person who knows how to refuse. Reject those unnecessary people and things. They know very well: no matter what the relationship, do not know when to reject others, often counterproductive. Both at the expense of themselves, but also can not achieve each other.


16, subtractive thinking. Addition everyone knows, but once it comes to subtraction, many people will not be able to do. And master or rich people, usually good at subtraction. Whether it is work, entrepreneurship, marketing, in fact, a lot of subtraction (minus their own delusions), focusing on the advantages of attacking the city. As the saying goes, it is better to hurt its ten fingers than to break its – fingers.


17, do people thinking. Let others gain first, don’t treat yourself as a “person”. Master these two you go everywhere unhindered. Why don’t think of yourself as a person? You feel that you are a person, you can not let go of the body, often miss good things, often because of the face to miss things. Face is worthless, under the compliments, but also can not face; under the humiliation, but also to stand up. People are hard to do, don’t treat yourself as a person.


18, good guardianship of the idea. Be good at guarding your beliefs, life is inherently impermanent, will encounter many problems. Especially entrepreneurs, it is easy for others to steal their dreams. So many bosses will use some things, ideas, to protect their own ideas, so that they are firm to go on.


19, good at going to sell. In this era, the best-selling products are not necessarily the best products, but basically it can be said that the marketing is doing the best job and selling the best. Confucius chose to travel around the world in order to promote his ideas. Again good products and people, if not sold, is also a waste product. So, more to sell, and the masters are selling, whether it is selling products or selling themselves.


20, buy and sell thinking. Those who have no intention are trivial, and those who have an intention become a big deal. Rich people are good at buying the time of those who do not want to do great things, happy to be comfortable. Because their time is cheap, and little thought. So they will give them trivial things, and free up their own time to do great things. This is a bit solid ah, but you should be able to enlighten.


21, money thinking. Doing business with the rich, a year top ten years. Rich people spend money is to save time, listen to the truth; no money people are willing to spend time to save money, you have to make them happy. If you are a small company, individual entrepreneurs, remember.

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