How to build a personal brand?

To build a personal brand, you must have an in-depth understanding of personal branding, I think the vast majority of the market to help you build a personal branding agency, their methods are wrong, why?

They simply help you with the packaging and promotion of your image, which is not a personal brand.


Then the three elements of personal branding:

1, Visibility
2, Reputation
3, Loyalty


Then you can only build around the three elements to achieve a lasting personal brand, so how do you build it?


For personal branding I have five steps:

1, Occupancy

There is only the boss in any field on the Internet without the second, so you must find a niche to make yourself successfully stand first in this field.


2, Thought

You want to successfully build this brand, you must have your own set of ideas system, because the low-level brand communication name, high-level brand communication ideas, then in your area of expertise here, must have their own set of methodologies.


3, Content

It is to turn our theoretical ideas into videos, into articles, into books, into courses, into materials, and then through the Internet can spread infinitely, in order to influence more people.


4, Promotion

The core of promotion there are two, the first is to borrow their own self media to promote, the second most important is to learn to promote by force, the faster you want to succeed also need to learn to borrow.


5, Operations

The core of operation is to operate our fans, in five steps, the first how to get more fans, the second how to build trust, the third how to deal, the fourth how to let them repurchase, the fifth how to let them help you fission.


You can do all of the above well, then your personal brand can do better and better, the more easy to do, even you the person no longer exists, your personal brand still exists.

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